Message from the Dean

Your People, Your Best Asset

Executive Education is an integral part of the Business School's activities and a key driver in our overall mission to contribute to the continual development of the global business community’s most important asset – its people.

Our School is dedicated to advancing business development and organizational growth in Hong Kong, China, and Asia and beyond through teaching and research. Executive Education contributes to this mission through company and open-enrollment programs, which blend the expertise of our world-class faculty with insights from top industry specialists.

Our enduring relationships with our partner companies have been the cornerstone in our delivery of rewarding learning experiences to empower business executives. Leveraging the close collaboration between our professors, executive education specialists, and corporate clients, we inspire present and future business leaders while fostering innovative strategies for organizational transformation and success.

Drawing on our diverse faculty and strategic location at the doorstep of China and the region, our capacity to promote a visionary global view through an Asian perspective positions us as an ideal partner in executive education for international companies seeking to enhance their presence in China and East Asia, as well as enterprises in the Greater China region looking to establish a global footprint.

As a young and innovative institution, we do not, however, stop there. The university has a global outlook and, in collaboration with others, a global reach. This guides everything we do and has a special influence on our Executive Education programs.

Discover how we can add to your learning experience and contribute to your company's development by exploring our website, or requesting a program brochure. Better still, contact us with your specific interest and needs.

Professor Kai-Lung HUI
Acting Dean, HKUST Business School
Elman Family Professor of Business
Chair Professor, Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management